As an active member of the center, you get as much as 20% on some workshops! Send an email or ask at our reception to get the discount. Check the calendar or scroll down to read about all our upcoming events.

If you are interested in our education programs, visit Academyfor more information.

THE GODDESS IMMERSION Unleash Your Inner Passion & Sensuality
to Nov 24.

THE GODDESS IMMERSION Unleash Your Inner Passion & Sensuality




Saturday & Sunday

November 23/24th - 10 am-5 pm

at Northern Light Yoga Oslo📍

We are excited about this FIRST EVER OFFERING!

Come join us for this one-of-a-kind Workshop and uncover the limitless Creativity, Sensuality & Pleasure within you! 🙌🏼

Today more than ever the world needs a woman who is liberated from past conditioning and limiting beliefs, a woman who finds fulfillment in life and all her relationships, a woman who is radiating love to the world, a woman who is a Goddess!

✨ Rediscover your divine feminine wisdom and live your true expansive nature

✨ Break free from the chains that have been holding you back

✨ Experience a sisterhood where you feel heard, seen and unconditionally loved

✨ Live life to your fullest potential physically, mentally, emotionally, erotically and spiritually

Using movement, release, catharsis, bioenergetics, journeying/hypnosis, dance, touch, massage, vocal healing, tantric embodiment tools and sacred feminine rituals we are taking you on a profound journey of healing, transformation and empowerment.

We are welcoming women of all ages, first-timers and seasoned practitioners, come alone or with friends!

To book, head over to

We are holding a safe, conscious, confidential and supportive space for you to go as deep as you feel like. Every step of every practice is by invitation, you have full agency over your experience.

This event is taught by Maxine and Dagmar,

Meet your Facilitator by their bios below:


Please reach out to us on if you have never been to our events before, and/or if you have any questions, we'd love to connect!

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Kundalini Tantra with Umā

Kundalini Tantra with Umā

Kundalini Tantra with Umā

Sunday, September 29th, at Northern Light Yoga


All are welcome,


Kundalini Shakti
Philosophy, Principles of Practice, & Protection
3-Hour Kundalini Shakti Intensive

Grounding-Activation of root support.
Purifying-Dynamic physical & vocal sequences to break down, dissolve blockages.
Health Support-Medicinal principles of Ayurveda, the yogic 'science of life'.
Context-Samkhya - nature's law of correspondences between macro and micro.
Power Source-Kundalini that renders and resorbs multiplicity into singularity.
Liberate-Trapped energy radiated to rejuvenate & awaken latent potency of brain.

"Relax Expectations, Allow for Anything." - Umā


"The push to transparency. The openness, the directness everything out in the open It also scares me. Authentic, unconditional love, compassionate, no compromise, she won't compromise truth not an inch."
Cecile, 50's

"She's so raw she taps you into that energy, in these other classes they are trying to put you in a car but she's giving you the fuel for all these different modalities, she's given you the real fuel to use them. She's a pillar of truth...where teachers teach the light side they don't evoke the dark side in you she shows you both, she's a unifying force"
Rick, 19

Umaa was initiated into the Kundalini Tantra sciences of Yoga and Alchemy 35 years ago. She surrendered into daily service to her master for 14 years, earning her 'Gurottam' or Guru's grace.

Upon his request she began teaching in the Tantric traditions of Yoga more than30 years ago. As a licensed Ayurveda practitioner of Indian descent, she educates on both traditional esoteric and
modern therapeutic approaches to self-responsible health

Classroom: Heart

When: Sunday, September 29

Starts: 9:00 a.m. Ends: 12:00

To all who feel this call, you are all welcome!

(Through our Schedule/ Timeplan)

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Breath and Sound - Movement and Prayers

Breath and Sound - Movement and Prayers

Welcome to a ritual of Sound, Movement and Breath on September 28th, at Northern Light Yoga,

With our Teacher Aida.

A space to release, find stillness and deep rest 

to come in contact with the deeper layers of your being.

A space that invites you to connect with an awareness and personal intentions

of how and where you want to direct your energy these last 3 months of the year. '

Warm and heartily welcome!

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2-Day Ashtanga Immersion with Brinkela

2-Day Ashtanga Immersion with Brinkela

2-Day Ashtanga Immersion with Brinkela

We will go through some of the things that you don't get to learn in a Mysore room.

Place :Northern LIght Yoga

Start:September 21, 2024

Time: 08:00-15:00

End:September 22, 2024


Teacher:Brinkela Gjokaj

Lasting: 12 hrs

2-Day Ashtanga Immersion with Brinkela

We will go through some of the things that you don't get to learn in a Mysore room. While we know how attached you are to your practice, we also know how much more you want to learn and explore. Together we will go deep into a focused understanding of ashtanga philosophy so that you can apply those theoretical tools in your everyday practice. Read more about the different themes covered in this 2-day immersion below.


Day 1

08:00-09:30 Primary series Led/ Pranayama

09:30-11:00 Lunch

11:00-12:00 Philosophy

12:00-13:30 Alignment & Mechanics 

13:30-15:00 Bandha / Jump Through & Back

Day 2

07:00-09:30 Mysore Practice

09:30-11:00 Lunch

11:00-12:30 Philosophy

12:30-13:30 Alignment & Mechanics 

13:30-15:00 Mobility backbends


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Breath, Mind & Spine Navigation

Breath, Mind & Spine Navigation

Breath, Mind & Spine Navigation with Rodo & Mats

Welcome to a special Masterclass in Breath, Mind & Spine Navigation with Rodo Escalante and Mats Onsum. The class will take place at Northern Light Yoga, where we will explore breathwork, the neuroscience behind different breath states, as well as CO2 mastery and mind navigation through breath holds, before grounding with a spinal alignment practice.

Rodo is a profesional deep freediver, and breathwork master in naan yoga for the last 15 years. He is the founder of Alchemy:Rewire - an entirely different kind of mind-body training inspired by his journey with freediving & pranayama exploration, and the neurobiological shifts he experienced through holding his breath.

Mats Onsum is an experienced yoga teacher and practitioner, and a resident teacher at Northern Light Yoga, who is known for his wide range of deep and playful classes - as well as his both poetic and lighthearted style of teaching. 

What is Alchemy:Rewire?
Alchemy is a breath and mind navigation technology that leverages elevated levels of CO₂ to access and explore deeper states of awareness. As a full mind-body discipline, Alchemy supports individuals across the neurological spectrum to uncover inner freedom and greater self-mastery.

While navigating intermittent levels of elevated CO₂ in the body, Alchemy students experience a phenomenon known as 'the Contraction'. It is the same physiological contraction freedivers feel during an extended breath hold underwater. In this peak state of anxiety, live music is introduced as a vehicle to guide body and mind into a state of surrender.

Alchemy Masterclass
During an in-person masterclass, biotechnologist, philosopher and founder Rodo introduces the Alchemy: Rewire methodology, its scientific background and proven neurobiological benefits.

Inspired by Rodo´s lived experience as a master freediver and his return to mind-heart coherence, this entry level class will involve practical core pranayama breath sequences, as well as Breath of Balance, Breath of Yang and Breath of Heart; the fundamentals of the Alchemy breath mind navigation methodology. Each masterclass gives students the tools to progressively move beyond anxiety and access the psycho-physiological insights that arise in the Contraction State.

Who it's for:

- New or experienced breath work enthusiasts

- Individuals looking for tools to de-stress and up level

- People ready to step into their full potential

When: September 17th, 19:45-21:45

Where: Northern Light Yoga,

Rosenborggata 9, Oslo

Investment: 450,- early bird till 12.9. 360,- use discount code BREATH

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Tantra Alchemy
to Aug. 25.

Tantra Alchemy

Welcome to the Tantra immersion!

We invite you to join us in celebrating life through the universal polarities that make it so rich and dynamic. This weekend, we'll explore how to harness these energies to heal and manifest, and participate in the cosmic dance that is the essence of existence.

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Jump Through Jump Back

Jump Through Jump Back

Join us for an exceptional workshop where you will learn the real essence of jump through and jump back, and how to achieve it with absolute perfection. Brinkela will provide you with some remarkable tips and tricks that will help you glide through your Ashtanga practice effortlessly, as you will be mastering the jump through and jump back. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your skills and take your practice to the next level!

Jump through and jump backs are an integral part of Ashtanga yoga that links the seated asanas together. They are not only essential for building core strength, strength in arms and wrists, and stamina, but also help reset your spine. Each time you perform a jump back, you will be doing a backbend and a forward bend, along with rounding your back as you jump back to seated. This movement between each side of an asana helps reset your spine.

Additionally, jumpbacks and jump-throughs are part of the vinyasa count that links movement with breath. This meditative quality of the practice enables you to focus your mind and not drift off. Whether or not you can stick to the vinyasa count, focusing on breath, movement, and Drishti (gaze) allows the practice to become a moving meditation.

Lastly, jumping back and jumping through is not an easy task, and at times, it can be frustrating. However, it is a lesson in non-attachment. The focus should be on the breath and Drishti, rather than the ability to jump through. The practice is about doing the work, regardless of whether you can jump through or not.
Sign up through our schedule:

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Tattva Shuddhi with Umā
to Aug. 11.

Tattva Shuddhi with Umā

 Tattva Shuddhi

The Jewel of Tāntrik Sādhana The ancient Tāntrik method for: inner purification, illumination & reintegration

Guided by Umā 

 Founder, SATYA:

Synergistic Alignment of

Tāntra, Yoga and Ayurveda

Immersion 9/10/11 August 2024

Tāntra-whatis tāntra in its original context?

Sādhana-whatis sādhana and how is tāntra sādhana different?

Tattva-whyare the tattva so instrumental in tāntra?

Shuddhi-howdoes purification lead to illumination?

An invitation to experience:

-Tattva Shuddhi-Kundalini Tāntra Sādhana

-Nature and laws of Kundalini Śakti

-Purpose and powers of Kundalini Śakti

-Practices for preparation and protection

-Support for radical self-transformation

-Essential regimens of neurophysiological care

Join Umā for experiential immersion in the wisdom stream of India's seers.

Source interdisciplinary schools of philosophy, metaphysics, yoga and medicine.

Discover and apply time-tested practices for embodiment and neurophysiological self-care, while preparing for or undergoing Kundalini activation and reawakening.

Know what is happening, why, what for and how to serve the spiritual emergence attributed to Kundalini Śakti 

Discuss any confusion around Kundalini Śakti from diverse points of view, Eastern and Western, and endeavor though counsel and Q&A to understand your spiritual awakening in your own day-to-day life.

-Friday ( can be booked seperately !)

Introductory Session

Origins and Purpose of Tāntra Sādhana.

How is it relevant to us today?



Tattva Shuddhi

Part 1. From grounding to purified vibrancy


Tattva Shuddhi

Part 2: From purified, grounded vibrancy to integrated presence

Class Schedule (subject to change at discretion of organizers)

- Morning Practice

- Discourse

- lunch

- Digestion Practice

- Discourse

- Tea Break

- Meditative Practice

- Integration 


-Practices include seated and sequenced asana, pranayama, mantra, mudra and self care rituals from the SATYA school of classica Tāntra, Yoga and Ayurveda.

-Classes involve basic physical practice, oral presentation, discourse, Q&A and group integrations.

-We will break for lunch and tea

-Wear loose, comfortable natural fibers for moving and resting in

-Bring mild, vegetarian food you know is easily digestible and nourishing (Advised: Don't mix fruit with your meal, avoid beans, onions and garlic, chillies, white sugar, and processed sauces)


Born into the culture from which the Yogic sciences sprang, vigorously trained in the wild, forged within Yoga's native guru-shishya (teacher-student) dynamism-Umā is a living vessel for this synergy of traditions, infused with their riches.

She is sought out by discerning and intrepid practitioners for her decades of experience in Indian Tantra, Yoga and Ayurveda.

Umā has walked a less common path in life. Guided by her own nature far from family, schools and cities, at age 20 she entered into seclusion and a 14-year apprenticeship with her Shaivite guru in his private hermitage.

She has now been researching and educating in the field of Indian Tantra and Yoga for more than 30 years. As an Ayurveda Practitioner with a Diploma of Ayurvedic Sciences (D.A.Sc., USA), and with certification from India as a Panchakarma Specialist, in 2008 Umā conceived and co-founded KUSH, the Ayurvedic Center for Rejuvenation. There she hosted in-depth constitutional assessments and personalised detox/rejuvenation programs that ran under her direction until 2016.


"Umā is a rare gem in the field of spiritual teachers-having lived and earned that which she teaches through her whole life. She has an extraordinary ability to see people and to take into consideration all of what it means to be a human-from the seemingly mundane things like sleeping, eating or moving, and all the way to the transcendental and mystical. 

This grants her an unparalleled capacity as a guide on the path. In my personal experience, the combination of having a working system (SATYA) and a qualified teacher that can guide you is as rare as it is precious for taking a big leap in your personal evolution, and I recommend this program to anyone interested in sculpting a rich and meaningful life."

Magnus Jonas Støre, Therapist, Norway


Due to the existence of basic unity that connects all diversities across multiple scales, one person experiencing Kundalini Śakti may impact another person. You may experience this yourself and/or observe it among others during this weekend immersion.

The philosophies and the therapies recommended in this workshop are not and cannot be substituted for your own philosophy, religion, or medical or psychological treatments. If undergoing trauma recovery therapy, please seek a second opinion from your therapist, before attending this program.

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Summer Solstice Celebration

Summer Solstice Celebration

Summer Solstice Celebration with Mariana Soares & Kristina Manpriya

Welcome to an event with a focus on your inner journey, emotional release, and connection to your higher self, celebrating the light both outside and within us on the day of the summer solstice!

Mariana will guide us in breathwork and Kundalini bodywork session with different breathing techniques, and Kristina will take us on a shamanic journey of vocal sound and instruments while you relax and receive your message from your higher self. We will end with a beautiful and mindful tea ceremony with Maoting, while you have the opportunity to share your experience with the group.

Let go, rejuvenate, and be in community with us, getting the body ready to receive the experiences and expansion this summer has to offer you!

When: Saturday, June 22

Time: 15:30 - 18:00

Price: 480,-

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Concert with Rishiraj Kulkarni

Concert with Rishiraj Kulkarni

We invite you to sink back into your body and experience the mesmerizing and ethereal sounds of handpan and tabla channeled and expressed through multi-percussionist, composer and performer Rishiraj Kulkarni.

Rishiraj also shares his wisdom and experience of rhythm as a spiritual language from an Indian esoteric and philosophical perspective.

 Rishiraj Kulkarni is a multi-percussionist musician based in India and The Netherlands. His primary instrument being the tabla, with which his journey in music began, he has received incalculable guidance in his musical career from Ustad Zakir Hussain and continues his musical journey in the world of tabla as a disciple of Pandit Yogesh Samsi. He also plays the handpan, Rav Vast, Maschine (hardware/software DAW), marimba, xylophone, and vibraphone to name a few. Since 2012 he has collaborated and performed with artists from various art forms such as illustrators, painters, thespians, poets, singers, ballet dancers, western classical orchestras and Indian classical musicians, performing across Europe and India. 

 The journey begin with a deep kundalini yoga meditation, to open the space and return you to your Self and the sacredness of the present moment - the place where we can unite and unify with divinity. The meditation is held by Tina Johansen, percussionist Martin Mobakk and Massimo Barberi on flute.

Price 333kr. Discount available for members. 

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Sunniva Brynnel and Marie Nivel join together for this immersive sound meditation journey.

With roots in Scandinavian and Celtic folk, a passion for improvisation paired with a sensitivity towards the energies present in the audience, they move from ethereal soundscapes to heartfelt melodies to dancing rhythms. Allow yourself to be transported to places of joy, wonder, deep listening, and peace.

Listen to the duo here on Marie Nivel's album:

Marie Nivel is a musician based in Arendal, Norway.

She creates magical, relaxing soundscapes with harp and voice.

She also performs her original songs and Celtic and Scandinavian folk music.

As a certified harp therapist Marie is passionate about the healing qualities of the harp.

Sunniva Brynnel is a Swedish accordionist, vocalist, harmonium player and composer within folk music, improvised music, devotional music and more. She comes from a lineage of seven generations of female musicians and grew up within the Swedish folk music tradition. Sunniva has toured extensively in Sweden, in the US and other countries, and can be heard on recordings together with devotional music masters Jai Uttal, Deva Premal & Miten and Markandeya. Sunniva has a masters degree in improvised music and she is a certified Deep Listening workshop facilitator.

When: Friday, June 14

Time: 19:00 - 21:00

Price: 350,-

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Day of Meditation

Day of Meditation

This day we meet at the Karma Shedrup Ling Ashram and together we'll go through a powerful experience of deep meditation that will have a strong impact on your personality with a long-lasting effect to establish more peace, contentment and happiness in your life.

The day of meditation counts as a requierment for the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. But everybody is wellcome who wishes to dedicate a full day to the inner journey, into silence and pure awareness.

If you are not staying in the Ashram you can arrive latest 9:15 to settle in, the mediations will start 9:30 sharp.

We will conduct a series of Kundalini Yoga Meditations between 60 and 30 minutes each, with enough breaks for walks and food. Some meditations will be with specific Mantras and mudras, others in silence.

✨️Program for the day:

(Sadhana: 6:00 -8:30 )

Meditations: 09:30 Finished at 18:00

Dinner 18:30 - 19:30

19:30 Dancing embodiment of the 10 Spiritual Bodies

✨️When: May 28, 2023

✨️Time: 09.30 - 18.00

✨️Where: Karma Shedrup Ling, 30 min from Oslo

✨️Price : including vegan Food: 1500,-

Warm welcome 💙🙏

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Kundalini Bodywork & Activation with Mariana

Kundalini Bodywork & Activation with Mariana

Kundalini Bodywork & Activation with Mariana Soares

Welcome to a Kundalini Bodywork group experience!

Kundalini Bodywork is a holistic & integrative therapy that prepares the body for the kundalini to rise and supports those living with an active kundalini.

This therapy is designed to support your healing and transformation, releasing trauma and stuck energy in your chakra system.

This practice changes your body's vibration by working on three levels simultaneously: physical, mental, and emotional, or the sex, mind, and heart.

Kundalini Bodywork is Tantric in nature where surrender and free will both play an equally important role in activating the Kundalini energy.

Navigating life with an active Kundalini brings blessings and challenges, and requires adequate support so that you manifest your life from a place of love and move out of fear, clearing the path for the Kundalini to rise.

Mariana will facilitate this experience in a small gathering of 10 people, through meditation, shaking, breathwork, body de-armouring, and energetic bodywork.

Come with an open heart and mind, and set your intention for the practice, as it brings power to your experience!

Looking forward to supporting you on your journey back to your Self!

- Mariana -

When: Friday, June 7

Time: 18:00 - 20:00

Price: 480,-

About Mariana:

Mariana is a Kundalini Bodywork practitioner, Kundalini Yoga teacher, and professional certified Life Coach.

If you have any questions reach out to Mariana:

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Kundalini Ashram Experience
to June 11.

Kundalini Ashram Experience

Discover the transformative realm of Kundalini Yoga with us,
come and join us from 7th to 11th June as we explore the five elements that shape our universe and our very being. Join our journey as we delve into the fundamental forces that shape our universe and our very existence. Immerse yourself in the profound teachings of Kundalini Yoga, which elevate your consciousness and empower you to find balance and strengthen your nervous system. This immersive retreat equips you with the necessary tools to lead a soul purpose-driven life.

During our time together, we will learn how to embrace the five elements around us and consciously communicate with them. By doing so, we will be able to establish a heart-centered place from where we can experience the miracle of life and live a meaningful and committed existence. This immersive experience is perfect for anyone who wants to explore the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga and deepen their connection with nature.

Guided by Kundalini Yoga lead trainer Anand Raj, Haridev Kaur, and accompanied by herbalist and chef Jacob Roots, our retreat invites you to spend five days in harmony with nature. Together, we will live as a community, preparing meals, practicing yoga, meditating, exploring the enchanting forest, and chanting sacred mantras. Our aim is to bring the sacred wisdom of yogic teachings into our everyday lives and foster a harmonious relationship with nature. Additionally, we will delve into the medicinal properties of the herbs and plants that flourish right outside our doorstep, discovering how they can complement our well-being.

Throughout our time together, we will learn how to embrace the five elements that surround us and engage in conscious communication with them.

Come and join us for an extraordinary experience at our final module of our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training! This immersive event is open to all and guarantees a life-altering transformation. During this module, we will focus on the 10 Spiritual Bodies and the 5 Tattavas. These teachings of Kundalini Yoga will take you on a profound exploration of your spiritual self.

Our accommodations consist of cozy and practical Norwegian huts, perfect for 2-6 people. If you have special needs or want to bring a partner or children please contact us directly.

Food is Vegan and Gluten Free

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with like-minded individuals. We are excited to embark on this journey with you!

Friday 07.6.

10:00 - 12:30 Wellcome and Yoga,
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 Teaching the 10 bodies and the 5 Tattvas
16:30 -18:00 Yoga
18:30 - 19:30 Dinner
20:00 - 20:30 Kirtan singing circle and evening meditation

Saturday 08.6.
06:00 Sadhana
09:00 Breakfast
10:00 Teachings introduction to Tattva Tantra
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Herbal walk Meditation communication with the 5 Tattvas
16:30 -18:00 Yoga and feedback
18:30 - 19:30 Dinner
20:00 - 20:30 Kirtan singing circle and evening meditation

Sunday 09.6.
Sadhana 6:00
Breakfast 9:00
Day of Silence and Day of Meditation
We will conduct together a series of meditations between 60 and 30 minutes each, with enough breaks for walks and food.
Starting at 10:00 Finished at 18:00
Dinner 18:00 - 19:00
19:30 Dancing embodiment of the 10 Spiritual Bodies

Monday 10.6.

06:00 Sadhana
09:00 Breakfast
10:00 Teachings introduction to Tattva Tantra
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Expressive Arts communication with the 5 Tattvas
16:30 -18:00 Yoga, Breathwork and Gong
18:30 - 19:30 Dinner
20:00 - 20:30 Kirtan singing circle and evening meditation

Tuesday 11.6.

6:00 Sadhana
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Group Examen for the participants of the education.
Roots and Culture for the other participants
13:30 Lunch
14:00 -16:00 Closure and Good By Ceremony

What to bring:

Blanket, and pillow or sleeping bag!
Towels, Swim wear, Yoga equipment ( we can provide some yoga mats and sheepskins) Something to write, Water bottle. Whatever you need when traveling to a Norwegian hut. An open heart and an open mind. Music Instruments or whatever you would like to contribute.

Price for accommodation, food and teachings: 7800,-

can be paid in 2 installments.

Location and directions:

A Buddhist temple 30 min drive from Oslo

Karma Shedrup Ling retreat center

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Gong Meditation

Gong Meditation

Welcome to the transformative experience of the Gong Meditation!

The gong is a powerful tool that can help you achieve a deep state of meditation. According to Yogi Bhajan, master of kundalini yoga, it has the ability to cut through the mind, eliminate thoughts, and return us to our natural state of pure consciousness.

This experience can be incredibly healing and transformative, leaving you feeling renewed and refreshed on a soul level. Get ready to achieve a state of deep meditation and connect with your true self. The powerful gong is here to help you release stress, tension, and emotional blockages, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed on a soul level.

As we begin our session with gentle yoga to balance your chakras, you'll start feeling more centered and aligned with your inner being. Then, get ready to immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations of the gong, which will penetrate every level of your being, from physical to emotional and subtle.

You'll be amazed at how the gong can cut through your thoughts and bring you closer to your natural state of pure consciousness. This will allow you to let go of any negative patterns and embrace a sense of inner peace and calm.

Our team of experts, including Kundalini Yoga Lead Trainer Anand Raj and gong master Thor Arne Håve, are here to guide you on your journey towards personal growth and self-discovery. So, get ready to experience the healing power of the gong and feel the positive effects it has on your mind, body, and soul.

Due to the strong vibrations, this event is not suitable for pregnant women.

Price 350,-

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Kundalini Bodywork & Activation with Mariana

Kundalini Bodywork & Activation with Mariana

Kundalini Bodywork & Activation with Mariana Soares

Welcome to a Kundalini Bodywork group experience!

Kundalini Bodywork is a holistic & integrative therapy that prepares the body for the kundalini to rise and supports those living with an active kundalini.

This therapy is designed to support your healing and transformation, releasing trauma and stuck energy in your chakra system.

This practice changes your body's vibration by working on three levels simultaneously: physical, mental, and emotional, or the sex, mind, and heart.

Kundalini Bodywork is Tantric in nature where surrender and free will both play an equally important role in activating the Kundalini energy.

Navigating life with an active Kundalini brings blessings and challenges, and requires adequate support so that you manifest your life from a place of love and move out of fear, clearing the path for the Kundalini to rise.

Mariana will facilitate this experience in a small gathering of 10 people, through meditation, shaking, breathwork, body de-armouring, and energetic bodywork.

Come with an open heart and mind, and set your intention for the practice, as it brings power to your experience!

Looking forward to supporting you on your journey back to your Self!

- Mariana -

When: Friday, May 10

Time: 18:00 - 20:00

Price: 480,-

About Mariana:

Mariana is a Kundalini Bodywork practitioner, Kundalini Yoga teacher, and professional certified Life Coach.

If you have any questions reach out to Mariana:

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Jump through and Jump back

Jump through and Jump back

Join us for an exceptional workshop where you will learn the real essence of jump through and jump back, and how to achieve it with absolute perfection. Brinkela will provide you with some remarkable tips and tricks that will help you glide through your Ashtanga practice effortlessly, as you will be mastering the jump through and jump back. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your skills and take your practice to the next level! 

 Jump through and jump backs are an integral part of Ashtanga yoga that links the seated asanas together. They are not only essential for building core strength, strength in arms and wrists, and stamina, but also help reset your spine. Each time you perform a jump back, you will be doing a backbend and a forward bend, along with rounding your back as you jump back to seated. This movement between each side of an asana helps reset your spine. 

Additionally, jumpbacks and jump-throughs are part of the vinyasa count that links movement with breath. This meditative quality of the practice enables you to focus your mind and not drift off. Whether or not you can stick to the vinyasa count, focusing on breath, movement, and Drishti (gaze) allows the practice to become a moving meditation. 

Lastly, jumping back and jumping through is not an easy task, and at times, it can be frustrating. However, it is a lesson in non-attachment. The focus should be on the breath and Drishti, rather than the ability to jump through. The practice is about doing the work, regardless of whether you can jump through or not.

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Kundalini Bodywork Experience

Kundalini Bodywork Experience

Kundalini Bodywork Experience with Mariana Soares

Welcome to a Kundalini Bodywork group experience!

Kundalini Bodywork is a holistic & integrative therapy that prepares the body for the kundalini to rise and supports those living with an active kundalini.

This therapy is designed to support your healing and transformation, releasing trauma and stuck energy in your chakra system.

This practice changes your body's vibration by working on three levels simultaneously: physical, mental and emotional, or the sex, mind, and heart.

Kundalini Bodywork is Tantric in nature where surrender and free will both play an equally important role in activating the Kundalini energy.

Navigating life with an active Kundalini brings blessings and challenges, and requires adequate support, so that you manifest your life from a place of love and move out of fear, clearing the path for the Kundalini to rise.

Mariana will facilitate this experience in a small gathering of 10 people, through meditation, shaking, breathwork, body de-armouring, and energetic bodywork.

Come with an open heart and mind, and set your intention for the practice, as it brings power to your experience!

Looking forward to supporting you on your journey back to your Self!

- Mariana -

When: Saturday, April 13

Time: 12:30 - 14:30

Price: You can join for a single session for 380,- or get an immersion pass 1250,-.

About Mariana:

Mariana is a Kundalini Bodywork practitioner, Kundalini Yoga teacher, and professional certified Life Coach.

If you have any questions reach out to Mariana:

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Tantra and Bhakti Immersion
to Apr. 14.

Tantra and Bhakti Immersion

Welcome to the Tantra and Bhakti immersion! 

We invite you to join us in celebrating life through the universal polarities that make it so rich and dynamic. This weekend, we'll explore how to harness these energies to heal and manifest, and participate in the cosmic dance that is the essence of existence.
Through a variety of classes led by some of the best teachers and musicians in Oslo, we'll delve into ancient and modern approaches to Tantra and Bhakti. Whether you're new to these practices or an experienced practitioner, this is the perfect opportunity to explore different paths and deepen your understanding. 

Are you ready to fall in love with love itself, as it unfolds in the cosmic interplay? 

Then come join us for a weekend of transformation and discovery. We can't wait to see you there!
You can join for a single session or get an immersion pass.

Please go to our schedule for a detailed description and registration.

Friday 12.4. :

 18:00- 21:00  

Tantric Breathwork with Kristina Manpria

Saturday 13.4.:
10.00 - 12.00
White Tantra with Anand Raj
Join a deep healing meditative practice that can clear deep rooted karmic patterns and change your personal vibration. This mediation is based on the kundalini yoga tradition and can be practiced with a partner or alone.

12:30 -14:00
Kundalini Yoga with Hari Dev

12:30 -14:30
Kundalini Bodywork with Mariana Soares

15:00 -18:00
Tantric Dearmoring with Maxine Blystad Collins:
Learn to be in your feelings, be human, be your self without loosing your self in contact with others.

19:00- 22:00
Dancing Electro Kirtan.
Up beat fusion of traditional indian ecstatic practice with modern techno beats. Rock out and tune in with a deep relaxing gong bath.

10:00 -12:00
Yoga and Trauma therapy class with Massimo and psychologist Anna Peneyo.

12:30- 14:00
Kundalini Yoga with Kristina Manpria 

14.30 - 16.00
Shaiva Tantra, with Massimo Barberi

16:30 - 17:30
Tantric Roots of Kundalini Yoga an Inroduction to the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

17:30 - 19:00
Concert of Bhajans and kirtan with Vasudeva and Giita

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Family Kirtan

Family Kirtan

Family Kirtan with Mette & Magnus Større

Welcome to a Sunday afternoon of sweet Kirtan - for the family!

Kirtan is the ancient art of devotional singing - and has traditionally not been for the lonely yogis - but for the whole village.

Children, grown-ups, and elders alike would meet in the ageless space to strengthen the vitality of the community and rejoice in the nectars of devotion.

This Sunday Kirtan will have more of a playful vibe to it than usual, designed to be engaging for children as well as grown-ups.

In addition to the chants, we will share games for the voice, rhythm exercises, and dancing.

Come as you are, no prior experience is needed. Bring your kids, nephews and nieces, granny's, and uncles.

Date: 07/04

Time: 15:00 - 17:00

Price: 380 (children under 12 years free)

We want to offer this opportunity to everyone. If your financial means are limited, please contact us and we can figure out a solution.

This evening is guided by Magnus and Mette Støre and supported by Joseph Wallin on drums and percussion.

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Breathwork Immersions

Breathwork Immersions

This is Breathwork Immersions - a breath centered healing program running over three consecutive weeks.

Breathwork is a remarkable modality - yielding what is often described as a miraculous results of healing and self discovery. What makes it remarkable is that this is made possible by your own breath - this most basic of biological functions. It is truly a window into the wonder of what our system is capable of when given the allowance.

Offered in this format Breathwork becomes an opportunity for a leap in your evolution. A place for purposeful processing of your life with all its intricacies. A safe container for familiarization with the dormant powers of the breath and the intelligence of the awakened body. Three weeks of prioritized self care - a chance to refresh your aim towards the life of deeper purpose you know is possible.

These immersions are designed to support you in receiving the full range of benefits this practice gives - those who sprout instantly during the breathing, and those who grow slowly over time as the new-found insights are integrated into your everyday life. The intention of offering Breathwork in this way is to create an environment where people with a serious appetite for healing, transformation and self growth can be supported in their endeavour. In these circles any perceived challenges or possibilities are valid and welcomed. The immersions are designed to provide for both curious newcomers and experienced breathers. 

These programs are led by Magnus Jonas, a dedicated student of the breath. Magnus has studied different sciences of self-discovery for over a decade and has taught Breathwork for 5 years. The style of Breathwork offered is known to be softer and deeper then most Breathwork modalities, with a high focus on allowing the innate genius of each person to be awakened and guide the way. Magnus is a student of classical Tantra, Ayurveda, Yoga, and Craniosacral Therapy - modalities that amplify, support, and make functional as a way of being, the results of Breathwork.

Dates for this installment are:

2nd, 9th and 16th of April.

On all dates, the program runs from 18:00 - 21:00.

Price: 1777,-

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Kirtan in Christ

Kirtan in Christ

Kirtan in Christ with Mette & Magnus Større

Heartily welcome to this Easter Kirtan experience, shared by Mette & Magnus from "Det Yogiske Hjertet"

On this holy day, we gather to explore the art of devotional singing - this ancient practice of awakening our deeper humanity through sound vibration, sacred mantras and flowing with the current that arises as we sing.

Because we will be praying in the easter portal, parts of the evening will be spent dwelling in light of Christ, accompanied by mantras from the Vedic treasury. The evening will also include a nurturing sound journey to be enjoyed lying down on the back.

Before the Kirtan we will be offering Puja - a traditional Vedic ritual for purification and blessings to prepare our spirits before we begin the evening. You are welcome to come take part in the Puja, or arrive just for the Kirtan.

All program this evening will be easy to follow, and no prior experience or skill is needed.


17:30: Puja (voluntary)

18:00: Kirtan

19:30: Relaxation sound journey

20:00: Kirtan

21:00: Finish

𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗶 ૐ


𝗣𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼:

Where: Northern Light Yoga, Rosenborggata 9a in Oslo

When: March 24th, 18:00 - 21:00 (Puja from 17:30)

Exchange: 380 kroner, (20% for members of NLY). We wish this opportunity for everyone,

if your financial means are limited please contact us and we will figure out something

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SpaceBreath with Mats Onsum and Jakob Horvat

SpaceBreath with Mats Onsum and Jakob Horvat

SpaceBreath with Mats Onsum and Jakob Horvat

Welcome to SpaceBreath with Mats Onsum and Jakob Horvat - a journey into the depths of yourself, and the perfect beginning into a new week.

We gather to explore the magic and potential of the breath through various exercises, from yogic pranayama to the Wim Hof method, to more intense breathwork like holotropic, programming the nervous system to de-stress, lead us out of rumination and into deep relaxation.

The breathing is accompanied by a playful and deep musical landscape, occasionally sprinkled with poetry. Mats and Jakob will lead and assist the breathing exercises throughout the journey with the aim of giving you a cosmic experience while staying grounded in the body.

Let's come together to increase well-being and sail into the new week with more presence, connection and awareness.

Mats Onsum

Mats is a yoga teacher, poet, and rap artist, with a great passion for exploring consciousness, and many years of experience from various industries. Mats teaches yoga and breath for several yoga centers and companies in and outside Oslo, which he has been doing full-time since 2016. He has also written poetry since he was a child and songs since his teenage years, and confidently holds space as a result of the hundreds of concerts and thousands of yoga sessions on his repertoire.

Jakob Horvat

Jakob is an Oslo based men's coach, breathwork facilitator, meditation teacher and passionate student of life. Born, raised and rooted in Austria, Jakob discovered breathwork as a powerful healing and guiding modality in 2019, when he received his guidance to pursue a path as a facilitator and coach in a breathwork session in Vienna. Ever since he has been fascinated by our breath's capacity to transform limiting beliefs, release stuck energy in the body and connect us with a higher truth of life. Living a nomad lifestyle since 2020, he has been building his coaching business while living in countries like Costa Rica, Bali, Norway and Austria. He's been trained in Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System, loves the ocean, the forest and a good cup of cappuccino.


We begin with a grounding meditation and some exercises to connect with the space and each other, followed by yogic pranayama (kapalbhati) to prepare the body and mind for the more intense breathing exercises. We then move into a remix of the Wim Hof method before launching the spaceship further out and deeper in through more intense breathwork a la holotropic breath, before returning safely back to Earth to decompress.

The event will take place at Northern Light Yoga in Oslo. Even though the studio is well-equipped, it may be wise to bring a scarf or blanket, as well as warm clothes, for extra comfort.

To ensure that everyone gets the support they need and to create a safe atmosphere, we always ensure to have at least one facilitator or assistant for every 20 participants. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities.

Please note that we start at 18:00 and finish at 20:30. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to ensure a smooth start. Also, limit food intake, especially heavy meals, for about 3 hours before the event starts.

When: 18th of March, 8th and 22nd of April

Time: 18.00 - 20.30

Energy exchange: 300,-

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Kundalini Kirtan to overcome Fear and live from Courage

Kundalini Kirtan to overcome Fear and live from Courage

We will share and sing together some powerful mantras derived from the Kundalini Yoga Tradition.
Through unified chanting and vibrating, we can modify the frequency of our minds and experience a significant and lasting shift in our life's radiance.
We are going to learn and practice one of the more advanced mantras, Chatra Chakra Varti, which is believed to be one of the most effective means of conquering fear and taking courageous steps towards a life unfolding your potential.

Our Kundalini Lead Trainer, Anand Raj, and Kundalini Yoga teacher, Annikken, with her mesmerizing, melodious and powerful voice, honed her skills at Northern Light Academy, provide valuable guidance in both these practices while proffering unique musical contributions to our session.

Drop-in kr 265 or all Northern Light memberships

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Free Introduction to Kundalini Yoga and the Yoga Teacher Training

Free Introduction to Kundalini Yoga and the Yoga Teacher Training

Are you curious about Kundalini yoga and considering maybe joining our teacher training?
We will give a short introduction to the history and philosophy of Kundalini Yoga and share some simple breathing and meditation techniques. One of the most significant benefits of Kundalini Yoga is its simple techniques for meditation. Unlike other forms of yoga, Kundalini Yoga places a strong emphasis on meditation as a means of achieving spiritual growth and self-awareness. Through the use of simple breathing techniques, mantras, and visualizations, Kundalini Yoga can help us to quiet the mind and connect with our inner selves.

If you are interested in learning more about Kundalini Yoga, you may want to consider taking the Kundalini Yoga Instructor Course. We will outline the curriculum of the upcoming training and be available for your questions.

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Ecstatic Serpent DanceWomb Celebration

Ecstatic Serpent DanceWomb Celebration

Ecstatic Serpent Dance - Womb Celebration

Welcome to a journey of deep transformation and connection to our most sacred, intimate space: the womb. This is the temple of vital energy for creation. The force within, needed to bring our dreams into reality, our motivation, will to create, drive and passion for life.

This workshop will guide you in deep connection, awakening and transmuting of the Sacred energy, so that you can access or unlock more of this Life Force into every day life.

We will begin with a series of dedicated Kundalini Yoga Kriyas, followed by a deep meditation.

If any blockages or stuck energy arise, you will be guided to release it.

Next, we will raise this energy and transmute it to all parts of the body, through a guided journey of music and dance. This is where you can allow yourself to feel free and express in whichever way it feels good.

The music selection is carefully curated and will take you on a journey where the hips will want to move by themselves. There is a remembrance in all of us, on how the organic sounds of drums and percussion, awaken the feet, hips and navel. You can expect mystic, tribal and organic percussion to prevail through out the set. It is therefore encouraging to bring a scarf to tie around the hips, in a belly dance style. This is to remain connected to our womb though out the dancing.

The workshop is intended to help you connect, release and engage with yourself in a deep but liberating, fun way.

Looking forward to dance with all of you!

Practical Summary:

- Kundalini Yoga - All levels

- Womb meditation

- Ecstatic Dance

- Circle

Workshop is hosted by Alexandra Smadu; a Kundalini Yoga teacher, Holistic therapist, artist and music enthusiast.

With over 12 years of experience in holistic healing, she acquired a deep understanding on how energy works and circulates through out the body. She has developed various tools and modalities for deep healing and release of various ailments, on both physical and emotional levels.

Her main passion is music and movement, which she used as forms of therapy for many years. Dancing at home, around town or in nature, she learned to transform and release pain through sound.

She is excited to have found a way to include her strongest healing tools; such as Kundalini Yoga, Energy healing and Ecstatic Dance in one single worship, to share and empower other woman with.

When: Sunday 10.03.2024

Time: 17:00 - 20:00

Price: 320,-

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Gong Bath and Sound Journey

Gong Bath and Sound Journey

Gong Bath and Sound Journey

Experience the transformative power of sound with Tor Arne and And Raj as they take you on a mesmerizing journey of healing and relaxation. Using the ancient art of overtone tools and gongs, they create a symphony of gentle vibrations that penetrate deep into the body, soothing the mind and rejuvenating the spirit.

The therapeutic benefits of sound have been recognized for centuries, and Tor Arne and And Raj are experts in harnessing its potential to promote physical and mental wellbeing. Through their skilled use of overtone tools and gongs, they create a sonic tapestry that stimulates the body's natural healing processes and enhances its regenerative properties.

As you recline and immerse yourself in the harmonious tones of their music, you'll feel your tensions and worries melting away. The gentle vibrations will work their magic, easing muscle tension, reducing stress and anxiety, and inducing a state of deep relaxation.

But the benefits of sound therapy don't end there. Research has shown that it can also help to improve sleep quality, boost immunity, and enhance cognitive function. By tapping into the body's natural rhythms and frequencies, Tor Arne and And Raj's music can help to restore balance and harmony to your entire being.

Anand Raj Schaible

Anand Raj J. Schaible is Kundalini Yoga Lead Trainer, Musician, and Psychotherapist. He is the founder and director of Northern Light Academy and Northern Light Yoga. Anand Raj has over 20 years of experience in the use of the Gong for healing and mediation.

Tor Arne Håve

Tor Arne Håve is a Gong master, sound artist, and yoga teacher with 11 years of experience in sound work, overtone singing, psychotherapy, and trauma work. He also has extensive training in Bioenergetics and is a certified Bioenergetic Analytical Instructor. He has worked with Methab Benton several times and has his first Gong training from Jimmy Andersson and Adam Svennson, following the line from Don Conreaux. He is also the founder of Universi AS - and the developer of GONG ON THE WAY ™, an international sound healing network now in 15 countries. He has also developed an independent free gong brand called NORSE GONGS ™, the sole distributor of Paiste planetary gongs in Norway.

When: Saturday, March 9

Time: 17:30 - 19:00

Price: 350,-

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Lunar Alchemy: The Cycles of the Moon with Kathy Haridev Latham

Lunar Alchemy: The Cycles of the Moon with Kathy Haridev Latham

Lunar Alchemy: The Cycles of the Moon with Kathy Haridev Latham

In this workshop, you will learn how to work with the cycles of the moon to find more flow and balance in your life. 

You will learn about:

  • Full Moon, New Moon and Waxing and Waning periods

  • The Sidereal and Synodic cycles of the Moon

  • The astrological cycles of the Moon through the zodiac

  • The significance of the Moon sign

  • How to find out your personal Moon sign

  • Helpful Kundalini yoga practices to work with the different cycles of the Moon.

    The class will be a lecture/discussion with some meditation/light yoga practice. Beginners are welcome. 

When: Saturday, March 9, 14:30-17:00

Workshop Fee: 360-Northern Light Members and Teacher Training Students, Full Time Students with ID and Seniors: 20% Discount. Use Code LUNAR20

Attendees of the Lunar Alchemy Workshop receive a 35% discount off the drop-in price for the Dark of the Moon Kundalini Yoga at 12:30pm on the same day. Use code LUNAR35

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Breathwork Immersions

Breathwork Immersions

This is Breathwork Immersions - a breath centered healing program running over three consecutive weeks.

Breathwork is a remarkable modality - yielding what is often described as a miraculous results of healing and self discovery. What makes it remarkable is that this is made possible by your own breath - this most basic of biological functions. It is truly a window into the wonder of what our system is capable of when given the allowance.

Offered in this format Breathwork becomes an opportunity for a leap in your evolution. A place for purposeful processing of your life with all its intricacies. A safe container for familiarization with the dormant powers of the breath and the intelligence of the awakened body. Three weeks of prioritized self care - a chance to refresh your aim towards the life of deeper purpose you know is possible.

These immersions are designed to support you in receiving the full range of benefits this practice gives - those who sprout instantly during the breathing, and those who grow slowly over time as the new-found insights are integrated into your everyday life. The intention of offering Breathwork in this way is to create an environment where people with a serious appetite for healing, transformation and self growth can be supported in their endeavour. In these circles any perceived challenges or possibilities are valid and welcomed. The immersions are designed to provide for both curious newcomers and experienced breathers.

These programs are led by Magnus Jonas, a dedicated student of the breath. Magnus has studied different sciences of self-discovery for over a decade and has taught Breathwork for 5 years. The style of Breathwork offered is known to be softer and deeper than most Breathwork modalities, with a high focus on allowing the innate genius of each person to be awakened and guide the way. Magnus is a student of classical Tantra, Ayurveda, Yoga, and Craniosacral Therapy - modalities that amplify, support, and make functional as a way of being, the results of Breathwork.

Dates for this installment are:

29th February, 7th March and 14th March.

On all dates, the program runs from 18:00 - 21:00.

Price: 1777,-

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Guru Dharam in Oslo February 23-25
to Feb. 25.

Guru Dharam in Oslo February 23-25

Guru Dharam in Oslo February 23-25

The Path Finder + Your Cosmic GPS: The Great Path Selector

Our personal Karma determines how much choice we have in life and the consciousness with which we make those choices.
But do our choices serve our ego or our higher consciousness?
Can we choose to serve our soul? How do we tune in beyond doubt, uncertainty and confusion to choose the Path of Light.

The Path Finder - Kundalini Yoga Masterclass 

Friday, February 23: 18-20

This class features a practice to illuminate your Path and orientate your energy body towards it.

Your Cosmic GPS: The Great Path Selector - Weekend Kundalini Yoga Workshop

Saturday, February 24 & Sunday, February 25 

Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 | Sunday 10:00 - 16:00 with lunch break.

This workshop:

-Connects you to your Cosmic GPS - your Great Path Selector.

-Teaches you energy Navigation to remove the Darkness of Doubt. 

-Examines the polarity of certainty and uncertainty.
-Teaches you how to know when the energy is flowing for you optimally. 

-Helps you to harness your Intuitive Mind to determine your course of action.

Friday Masterclass: 350-

Weekend Workshop (Saturday + Sunday): 1680-

20% discount for: NLY Members, Teacher Training Students, Full-time Students with ID and Seniors (Use code: GDS20)

Guru Dharam has been teaching Kundalini Yoga for over 40 years. He is a lead Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer and co-author of the book 'The Kundalini Yoga Experience'. His formal qualifications in Traditional Chinese Medicine have been complemented by postgraduate interdisciplinary study of indigenous healing disciplines: Kabbalah, Meso-American Shamanic Dreaming, West African healing practice, White Lotus healing, Black Hat Feng Shui and the Red Thread empowerments. Guru Dharam is the co-founder of i-SKY and the director of the Sacred Yoga Therapy Training, a safe, effective and therapeutic complement to the mechanics of western medical practice. The program is informed by his experience helping to empower many thousands of people toward a healthier and happier life.

"Guru Dharam is a rare, authentic and vastly intuitive and compassionate Kundalini Master ~ his vibratory presence alone is a precise and exquisite field of Aquarian Medicine and Wisdom." - Paramatma Siri Sadhana (@propheta)

*Healing Sessions with Guru Dharam are available 25/2-26/2 at Northern Light. Please email for more information.

Guru Dharam BAcC* RCHM*, draws upon 40 years of healing experience in the Oriental, Yogic, Kabbalistic and Shamanic traditions to determine the ideal approach for your particular condition or circumstances.

*British Acupuncture Council,

Registered Chinese Herbal Medicine

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New to yoga or Northern Light Yoga?

Intro offer 10 days NOK 550,-

Take advantage of our intro offer where you can practice as much as you want for 10 days for NOK 550,-.

Feel free to drop by for a chat or read more about practical information

Info and frequently asked questions