Dance of the cosmos

The turn of the year brought a lightness that hovered over the water at the end of the fjord. Only noticeable on the horizon. Too subtle to discern yet. It came to me a few sunsets after the wheel turned. At that hour of the day when the sky is pink and only the brightest stars are in the sky. A calmness, as if the air was suddenly less heavy.

The moon's journey, which came to its first full of the year on January 7, brought me back to Oslo for the 4th session of the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training at Northern Light. And it was the moon that led us through.

In our Western society, we love to trivialize, ignore or even deny the effects of the lunar cycle on the human body. Even though we well understand how she dances like a perfect couple with our oceans. Rolling the tide around and around.

And still she does this without disturbing the currents in the ocean and the sky. Such huge masses of water move not only between the bottom of the ocean and continents, but also in the atmosphere. Enormous convection belts of cold and hot, maintaining their own journey across the earth. Enormous pressure systems, the game of always reaching for balance, always chasing it over our heads in an atmospheric choreography.

It can sometimes seem like a battle between science and spirituality. Students of both condemn the other for a lack of insight and common sense.

But it's not a polarity, it's a spectrum.

Scientists are so honest when they admit how little we understand about it all. So doesn't it sound crazy to condemn the intuition that can take us forward? Science is how far the human collective has come so far in current remembered history. It is the gathering of humanity's intellect, curiosity, perseverance, steadiness, grit, diligence and precision, to understand the world around them and use this knowledge of the nature of ourselves as building blocks to reach out towards the present and the past. To condemn the works and discoveries of science is to condemn a very part of human nature and thousands of years of ancestral human intellect.

It pains me a little every time I see a student of spirituality and meta-science condemn or withdraw from science in favor of the purely intuitive. How can you talk about aura when you don't appreciate how electromagnetism and the torus work?

And science students, how can you talk about the tides when you ignore the effect of the moon on your menstruating colleagues and employees?

When you limit meta-science to nonsense and impossible idiocy, you ignore the very energy that drives scientific pioneers. That power, that knowledge, that certainty that lies beyond the horizon of the mind. And by that very thrust into the beyond, into the unknown, they are able to reach through the mind and draw in the understanding of the manifestations of that trait in the first place.

Everything is a circle, after 9 comes a 10, which is actually a 1 again in numerology. Andas Anand Raj explained so beautifully on the Thursday before and on the Friday of the teacher training session, that this year's leading number is 7 (2+0+2+3). The number of the mind. Accompanied by the wonderful opportunity to get out of the good and bad, and back into the curiosity and knowledge of the beyond.

The amazing thing about science is the confirmation and understanding it provides about certain experiences and observations. We see objects falling towards the earth in a very real observation and we confirmed this by gaining an understanding of gravity and planetary weight.

Metascience does exactly that. It confirms that my very real experiences and observations are indeed real. And that maybe I'm not going crazy after all. For me, there is great security in understanding how life works. And with understanding comes acceptance, love and inspiration. A self-sustaining circle. 1 to 9 to 1.

We started exploring these topics in this fourth module of the teacher training program. Yogic anatomy and science. Some of my favorite subjects. To bring the categorizing and intuitive energies together. Then we're back to the sun and the moon. Science and meta-science. Moon and sun.

Feminine and masculine. A very triggering topic these days. But just as we see with the earth, the energies can play in perfect harmony within and between us.

As quoted from last weekend: "The moon does not light up without the sun, and the sun cannot see its own brightness without this cosmic mirror"

Do you feel resistance to one or the order? I invite you to look beyond the good-bad pendulum of the mind. Reach in and learn! You may also find that it only enriches your personal practice.

Written by Ellen Wild (Kundalini Yoga teacher in training 2022/2023)




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